Research brings hope to people living with a rare disease The Rare Disease Day 2017 theme is research. The Rare Disease Day slogan is ‘With research, possibilities… Continue reading BREAKING NEWS: 2017 Rare Disease Day theme is announced
Research brings hope to people living with a rare disease The Rare Disease Day 2017 theme is research. The Rare Disease Day slogan is ‘With research, possibilities… Continue reading BREAKING NEWS: 2017 Rare Disease Day theme is announced
In light of Rare Disease Month, I wanted to share my story with many of you that do not know it. I was diagnosed in… Continue reading Dupytren’s/Ledderhose Disease
We are delighted to share with you the 2016 Rare Disease Day video which you can watch here! We invite you to share it on social… Continue reading Out now! The 2016 Rare Disease Day video!
My case started 11 years ago when I felt very ill and started having muscle and joint problems and for years I was told I… Continue reading It’s a rare one
29 February 2016 is Rare Disease Day! Read more about this year’s Theme and Slogan Theme: Patient Voice Slogan: Join us in making the voice… Continue reading The Rare Disease Day 2016 theme and slogan: Patient Voice—Join us in making the voice of rare diseases heard
Bring People Living with a Rare Disease out of the Shadows and into the Spotlight: Watch and Share the Official Rare Disease Day 2015 Video!… Continue reading The Official Rare Disease Day 2015 Video is Out!
Before February 2013, Sam was a normal, healthy kid. He was a little clumsy, but nothing that we were concerned about. One day in February,… Continue reading Sam vs VWM: Living with a rare, terminal disease
EURORDIS is delighted to announce the Rare Disease Day 2015 Ambassador: Sean Hepburn Ferrer. Born in Lucerne, Switzerland, Sean Hepburn Ferrer is the eldest son… Continue reading Meet the Rare Disease Day 2015 Ambassador: Sean Hepburn Ferrer
The Taiwan Foundation for Rare Disorders (TFRD) was established 19Â years ago. Its primary goal was to secure rare disease patients’ access to medical and proper… Continue reading TAIWAN FOUNDATION FOR RARE DISORDERS