Rare disease day 2019

Event Summary

We have come a long way since the first Rare Disease Day in 2008, when 18 countries participated. This year, Rare Disease Day was celebrated in a record 101 countries, bringing together patient groups, policymakers, healthcare professionals, and industry representatives.

The #ShowYourRare campaign saw another successful year, with thousands of people using the hashtag to raise awareness and show their support.

The theme for this year was “Bridging Health and Social Care,” focusing on improving coordination between medical, social, and support services to address the daily challenges faced by people living with rare diseases and their families.

Thousands of events took place across every continent!

We welcomed eight new countries to the movement: Dominican Republic, Lesotho, Montenegro, Namibia, Niger, Qatar, Sri Lanka, and Zambia.

A Rare Disease Day Policy Event, the Second High-Level Event of the NGO Committee for Rare Diseases, took place at the United Nations in New York, sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Estonia to the UN.

Media Coverage

Rare Disease Day 2019 was reported across the world, from the USA to Serbia, to Malaysia, to the Vatican City!

Social Media Coverage

This year featured three testimonial videos sharing the stories of Filip, Karlo, and Lorena, highlighting their experiences of daily life with a rare disease. A special thank you goes to Rare Diseases Croatia, the Romanian National Alliance for Rare Diseases, and the Federación Española de Enfermedades Raras for their contributions to the videos, which were translated into over 35 languages.

People around the world painted their faces to show support for those living with a rare disease as part of the #ShowYourRare social media campaign. #RareDiseaseDay trended on Twitter in at least seven countries: Belgium, Canada, France, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK, and the US.

Well-known public figures also showed their support for Rare Disease Day on social media, including Vytenis Andriukaitis, EU Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the WHO, and Members of the European Parliament. The Empire State Building was also illuminated in the colours of Rare Disease Day.

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