Rare Disease Day 2011

Rare Disease Day 2011 poster. The image shows two children hugging. The text reads, 'Rare but equal'

With a boom of country participation in Latin America, the Middle East and Asia, Rare Disease Day 2011 was celebrated in over 55 countries.

The incredibly moving slogan “Rare but Equal” was translated and encompassed by many of the National Alliances, and over fifty patient testimonies describing inequality were collected from across the world. This complemented the rising voice of patients for Rare Disease Day, with the launch of books in Georgia and Russia, and websites in Canada, Denmark and Panama, which were dedicated to telling patients’ stories to mark the occasion.

Highlights of 2011’s Rare Disease Day include Frances’s awareness campaign on board their national trains; the Italian Volley League wearing Rare Disease Day t-shirts for all matches during the last week of February (four matches even being transmitted on national television!); and rock concerts in Spain and Bulgaria.

rare disease dayRare Disease Day was once again used as an opportunity to progress Nation Plans on Rare Diseases in six European countries.

The day received extensive political endorsement, with the President of Croatia, Prof.dr. Josipović, broadcasting a message on public television to increase awareness, and politicians in Brazil taking the initiative on the 28 February 2011 to push for an additional National Rare Disease Day.


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