The story of Carlee

I started feeling sick at age 7 or 8. Stomach pain, hurt to run, always injured. Every doctor my mom took me to said it was gymnastics related. As I got older I started passing out, getting dizzy, heart racing-again I was told gymnast- I’m dehydrated. At 15 my mom found a POTS specialist. We’d have to wait 6 months because he wouldn’t see me until I was 16. He tested me for so many things, because he said it sounded like I had a lot more going on than just pots. On Dec 31,2020 I was diagnosed with 13 chronic illnesses. I got a feeding tube, had surgery and never really felt better. In 2022 I have had two surgeries and interviewing surgeons for the big procedures I need to resolve MALS, smas and nutcracker. It doesn’t define me and I try not to let it limit me. It feels good to finally have answers. At 17 I am in two honors societies, play drums and bass guitar, and go out with my friends. But I also qualified for make a wish, require a wheelchair on bad days, blow through veins weekly getting infusions or labs, have roughly 10-15 doctors appointments a month and have missed 50 days of school.