You’re not alone…. Interstitial Cystitis

The story of Mari

Hello, My name is Mari Garcia-Ramirez and I have interstitial cystitis/ painful bladder syndrome. Due to the fact that this condition is labeled as an “Invisible Illness” it is very difficult for people to understand that Interstitial Cystitis is nothing like a normal bladder infection. The picture attached is the imaging of my bladder. These were taken during one of my hydro distention/ biopsy of my bladder. This syndrome is as painful as stage 4 cancer. ( I don’t have cancer, but if you look up Interstitial cystitis you will find out that statement is true) I hurt 24/7. I’ve seen specialist and have tried oral meds and bladder infusions. Unfortunately for me that did not work. I am allergic to most all pain meds so I just have to deal with the pain. I’ve been asked countless times ” how does it feel to have a bladder infection all the time?” First off the syndrome can never compared to a bladder infection. In all honesty in my case it feels like I have thousands of cuts inside my bladder and someone is pouring lemon juice all over them. This is a pain I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. I have had to learn to accustom myself to the pain and push through the limitations it poses on day-to-day life. I’ve learned not to let the ignorance of others devalue my pain. When I first fell ill with this, I honestly thought it was a bladder infection so I turned to drinking so much cranberry juice. I had no idea that that was only aggravating my condition. I saw urologist and found out the horrible news. I’ve felt and still feel like I got a life sentence. I still live my life being the best Christian I can be the best wife, mother, daughter, and friend I can possibly be despite the daily pain. The best advice I can give to others who suffer is ” Do not lose hope” My advice to friends, family, and caregivers is to be supportive and understanding as added stress can cause the patient to have a bigger flare. Always be kind to others, we don’t know what battles people are fighting on a daily basis. Stay strong Warriors and remember you’re not alone.