What else could go wrong

The story of Mildred

Well my story began in 2010 when I began having severe back pain and my lower limbs began giving me issues I ignored for awhile because as a single mom, I had to work no time for getting sick and all.. So I had to give in around beginning of 2011 went to see my GP who ordered MRI, when it came back he says they found nothing. But My thoughts and question was well why is my hands locking up moving fingers moving about involuntary and what was the scareiest my voice not only began giving me problems but my BP would shoot through the roof. Doctor could not give me no good answer he just gave me that look like nothing is wrong with you be gone. Also I was in medical profession worked in hospital surely he is right. Well about 30 days later I’m pushing myself to make Easter Dinner for my mom, gma and aunt wasn’t feeling to great but I had my son drive me cause at this time I feared driving due to my hands locking up and at times would be wrapped around my steering wheel. Still not feeling well I seat back in a chair and it was as if I had a seizure I couldn’t move my hands locked and all I could do was just look at my son who acted quickly speaking to me rubbing my hands and lifting me with the help of my mom, seeing as I couldn’t walk on my own 2 feet my gma who raised me just looked petrified asking what was wrong. I couldn’t speak because my voice had followed whatever this was. My family wanted me to go to ER I refused seeing as I’ve had to work in ER and didn’t want to take up their time they had more important stuff to do plus Dr. said I was fine I figured I over worked myself from night before at work all I need is rest. I would follow up with my Neuro he will be able to help me seeing as the following day my boyfriend had brought me to GP who clearly saw I couldn’t walk and was being carried into his office didn’t give a crap Oh well i don’t know what you want me to do he said wrote a script and sent me on my way. The Med Secretaries felt so bad for me they got a wheel chair and assisted him to get me to car even following us out apologizing and even scared for me. They knew this wasn’t the giggly person that walked in their office all the time. My mom came and got Neuro was like what are you doing here you need to be in hospital you look like you have just had a stroke my mom explained what went down with other Doctor and Neuro ordered me straight to ER. Which I went wasn’t happy about it at all wanted to leave, ER Dr. Was like you have had a TIA and we need to keep you so I did CT scans 4hrs in aMRI machine not exaggerating 4hrs came back and said this is our finding you need surgery laminectomy l5-s1 nerve root compression bulged disc I was thrown back because my GP said I was fine.
So that’s how the rest began Laminectomy failed year later dealing with that and having to under go surgery for total thyroidectomy only to find out I had cancer after removing It On top of now I have Hypocalcemia because doctor unknowingly took out my parathyroid.Seemed like every professional I went to see was cutting me and screwing me up. I feared going to pain mgmt. and yes I regret it today, 1st epidural caused a spinal headache which resulted in blood patch following day each time I went I was in more pain after they finished. It took me longer recovery times too before I could go home which I laid in bed for days. But they never disclose to me this disease, attempted to get back in work force about a year or so ago cause I was climbing the walls at home. Found something just merely walking around and interacting with woman going through drug addiction. That lasted for a bit till my back decided to do me in saw Dr. More MRI’s never disclosing I had Arachnoiditis in 2014 didn’t think to get records until it became worse saw a pain mgmt. Dr. Last year. Which we went over everything And several others who confirmed what I had, no one really wanting to touch me except 1 surgeon but my New Neuro rfused stating it would only make my ordeal worse. So I got the SCS seeing as I come from a background of addicts, didn’t want that generational curse, but I guess I should’ve waited till I met my New Neuro because he didn’t think it was a good idea either Do have pain daily at time embarrassed because I’m now 41 and having to use devices from time to time to get around, have myself on a q2hr bladder plan and take laxatives daily to move my bowels seeing as they don’t move on their own had to eventually have complete hysterectomy which I’ve been told is also probably due to Arachnoiditis.
Sorry so long that is some of my story. Hopes this helps someone


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