The story of Cindy

Myself 58, my son 38, and my grandson 7 all have Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. My mother passed away with it when I was 15 and she was 39. My brother was diagnosed with PAH at 42 and passed away at 44. He also had two babies pass away from PAH one at 3 months, and one at 6 months. He has a son who is 23 and a daughter who is 34 that has Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. It has been rough for all of us, especially my son and grandson. Right now they have no insurance and can’t afford to see their specialist. They are on programs for their medicine right now. Our doctors have done genetic testing and have not been able to find anything. My name is Cindy and my sons name is Kenny and my grandsons name is Zander.Â