Wegener’s Granulomitosis (GPA)

The story of Abigail

Hello, I’m Abigail I’m 17 years old and I was diagnosed with Wegener’s Granulomitosis at age 14.
It all started when I was 7 years old. I went to my great grandfather’s funeral, got home and went to camp, few short weeks later school started. I was only able to go to school a day and a half then woke up unable to walk or move any joints. Months and months past doctors couldn’t figure it out, finally my doctor sent me to a children’s hospital and it started as Juvenile Arthritis (JRA). After that it went down hill. Everything you could think of probably happened. The only thing not affected is my heart and brain. In and out of the hospital for this or for that, and this went on for years. Then 2013 came and there was blood in my urine and protein when there shouldn’t of been. I was told I needed to go back to ER. When in ER they sent down a nephrologist. They had to do a kidney biopsy, which confirmed kidney failure. I was on Chemotherapy for 6 months.
This disease is rare to elders which makes it even more rare to adolescents. Less than 1 in 2000 people end up with it. It attacks the small and medium blood vessels. My lungs could bleed if im not careful and my kidneys could get worse. I am at stage 3 kidney disease once I hit stage 4 I will need a kidney.. I have less than 1/5th of a kidney between the two of which I have.