
The story of Nora

Hi there! 🙂
My name is Nora. I am secretly writing poems in Austria & I’ve been trying to recover from chronic pain for years.
• I had a rare disease called “Eagle Syndrome” (0,16% worldwide).
• I lost my voice for a long time,
• I still have a limited voice-capacity,
• did 2 risky surgeries &
• travelled halfway round the world for medical treatments,
My mission is to
• get well again,
• look for new therapy methods (that heal my intraoral operation scars in the mouth/throat) &
• raise international illness awareness for the other patients.
I’d like to encourage people to believe in their dreams. That’s why I’m also sharing my journey on Instagram.


I wish you all the best and much strength to carry on. <3

5 years ago I woke up and my voice was gone. This is my story.