The story of Tamus

Still not sure visual snow syndrome is a rare disease like people talk about. Feels like being near sighted and taking off your glasses. Like looking through clear TV screen with fuzz. And the fuzz maps to whatever surface is most solid and dark.

Closing your eyes while the sun is bright or bright lights are on and concentrating on your eye lids. Fuzzyness switches between light red and green. The color change happens to everyone. But there is a lot of visual snow. Looking at the sky. People and edges of objects have a little glow around them. similar fuzzy ora as objects just barely out of focus with my glasses off.

Also trying to see at night when it is dark and the moon is out. There is enough light that you can see with the sides of your eyes but not as well as the center (rods vs cones). The center has tons of snow. I would have good night vision if it wasn’t for that. The sides have a lot less snow.

I can’t read out using the sides of my eye. So maybe I don’t preceive the snowy details.

I don’t remember when it started. Or if I have always had visual snow. Like that spot in your eye if you look a certain way, your finger isn’t visible. Your optical nerve has a blind spot your mind fills in.

I do have pretty bad tinnitus. I have had major migraines (sometimes triggered by smells) where I temporarily lost my vision and threw up. So the common triggers are there for me.

The visual snow blends into day dreaming when I am tired or distracted. The fuzzyness takes form of whatever my mind wonders off to. It doesnt cause my mind to wonder.

It doesn’t really cause me any issues.

Just Clicked and saw someone else had this. I haven’t really told anyone because there isn’t anything that can be done (that doesn’t alter the mind). Eye desease retinitis pigmentosa runs through my family. I don’t have it. And I doubt this is a problem with my eyes.