Unusual illnesses

The story of Howard

I am now 72 at the age of 4 I had menegitis which has left me with many problems mainly memory my school days where hard and had to have extra lessons to get me on the road albeit not perfect my working life also came with problems manly miniscul mundane jobs but I drifted from job to job I developed epilepsy whichever  put and end to driving until it became under control which now is ok and stumble trip fallcan drive again with reviews, one day I noticed my walking become unusual and a visit to my GP and follow up with a think back I used to walk for miles with no problem  confirmed ataxia which has got worse over the past 8 years wobbling from side to side and my balance deteriorated now use a stick when I think back to my adulthood I would walk and walk with no problems now a few steps is an effort just around my home I stumble trip fall oh bring back my youth