The story of Kim

I am 41 years old and was diagnosed with primary biliary cholangitis 2 years ago in April. I wasn’t sick at all or having any symptoms, it was found by elevated liver enzymes during my check up. I think the scariest part was the time that it took to finally get a diagnosis.. I had to have several diagnostic tests done, lab work and finally a liver biopsy. I am a registered nurse and with all of the research I was doing at the time-PBC was definitely on my top three list of liver diseases that I didn’t want. However, I did not get a say in that matter. 2 years later with my treatment consisting of Ursodiol twice a day, my enzymes have not normalized but are definitely better. I have started having some symptoms of the disease such as itching and fatigue. The itching I manage with oral mess and aggressive skin care. The fatigue can sometimes be awful. I just take every day as it comes and stay on top of my treatment.