Unaware of having Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia

The story of Hoang

My name is Hoang Nguyen. I am 27 years old and I was born and raise in New Orleans. When I was in elementary school, I had trouble hearing.
I also coughed out green mucus. I was admitted to the emergency room back in 1996. I stayed in the hospital for a week due to wheezing and crackling sound from my lung. After one week of staying i the hospital, I remember I was required to take home a neubalizer machine home and was using it three times per day. In 2001 I had ear tube put in. The tube stayed in for about 10 months until it fell out. In 2002, I had another ear tube put in. In the summer of 2011, I went to urgent care due to chest irritation and coughing. According to the x-ray, It showednthat I had pneumonia. In May 2013, i had ear infection that caused ear pain that last for at least a week. My primary care physcian referral me to ENT specialist to have the tubes remove after it was in my ear for 13 years. On Halloween 2013, I woke up in the morning with chest pain when I breathe. I also coughed out mucus with tinged blood. The day after, I went to the emergency room only to have the doctor telle he didn’t suspect pneumonia because I don’t have any fever and my lung was irritated. I suspected that I had bronchitis because I was coughing for a month. On November 18, 2013, i had ear tubes remove. Week after surgery, I had high interest in jogging. One niight, I jogged until I started to have trouble wheezing.It was hard for me to breathe. I went go see my primary care physician the next day and she told me there was a loud wheezing coming from my lung. She ask me do I ever had history of asthma. It was hard for me to answer her question because I did use inhaler before, but I was never told that I had asthma when I was younger. My primary care physican prescribed me an albuterol inhaler and told me to use it threes time a day and 15 minutes before exercising. After using the inhaler, I realize that I haven’t wheeze much. On December 26, 2013 , I woke up with another chest pain when I breathe. The next day I am coughing out mucus with blood. I went to the ermegency room on December 28, 2013 and was told I had pneumonia. I was admitted to the hospital because they suspect that I had tuberculosis. I was on antibiotic through IV throughout the entire hospital stay. Because I had pneumonia twice within 3 years, the hospital referral me to go see the pulmonologist. I left the hospital knowing that I don’t have tuberculosis. After coming home from the hospital, I went to children hospital to go picked up my medical record from the past to see what was the main reason I went to the hospital when I was 8 years old. According to my medical record, I had chronic cough, sinusitis infection, and ear infection. After having a bronchoscopy done, the doctor learned that I have immotile cilia syndrome( it is now known as primary ciliary dyskinesia). I did some reading on immotile cilia syndrome and learned that it is a genetic rare disease that causes chronic respitory infection.