Thrown for a Loop

The story of Angela

I was diagnosed with Gorham-Stout Disease in 2011 and Lymphangiomatosis in 2014 first of 2015. This news changed my life. The first time I saw the image of my skull I did not handle it well to say the least. I will be 49 in two weeks was diagnosed when I was 44 when I was struck down. This disease has eaten away at my Skull and I have constant headaches, double vision where everything us on top of the other, days of seeing clearly and other days blurry where I can’t see anything clearly. I used to love reading but now I get frustrated when I can see clear enough to read. I can run or walk fast anymore and I used to be very active. I can’t play with my grandson and niece’s anymore because I can’t stand the vibration. I can’t laugh hard or hear clearly when chewing at the same time. No I’m always short of breath. It’s frustrating and it’s difficult to get people to understand what I’m going through. This disease has changed my life. But each day now I’m thankful.