The Years That Passed Me By…

The story of Emma

My autoimmune problems started when I was really young having a lot of hereditary illnesses. I’ve had Reynauds for as long as I can remember. And the older I became the worse my Multiple Auto Immune problems becoming a Syndrome ‘MAS’.
At 16 I was diagnosed with Chronic Systemic Vasculitis, Fibromyalgia, Hypoxia, Eosinophilic Esophagitis and POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome.
At 18 I had problems with my Thyroid weekly changing between being overactive (high) and under active (low).
After years of Specialists umming and ahhhing I got no where.
Hospital used at 22 for my body having a major flare up and catching multiple viruses to then create a mega strain. My lungs had started to shut down. Given my very extensive medical background I was given about a 10-20% chance of survival. And here I still am today.
I’m now 25 and been given the diagnoses to a unresolved immune problem. The devastating news that I have Hypocomplementemia Urticarial Vasculitis (HUV) to which my small and medium blood vessels and my nerves in my effected areas (fingers, hands, palms and lower wrist) are being damaged and destroyed with the body not repairing the damage. Already having Reynauds it’s become critical and sensation in areas already disssapearung. Being told that my Thyroid shutting down could also be the cause of my most recent flare ups having allergic reactions to absolutely everything and medication.

I live each day suffering in hopes that more research and eventually a cure might be made so someone else doesn’t have to go through my daily struggles.

xx Emma