The water drinkerĀ“s story

The story of Marc

Marc drank at least 10 times more water than the recommended daily intake of two liters a day for most people: ā€œWhile others enjoy their cup of tea, Marc preferred a whole bowl of it. The man from Germany has a rare condition since birth. Itā€™s a rare disease ā€” statistically only 360 people in Germany might have been diagnosed with it. The condition is an inability of the suffererā€™s body to retain fluid

Unquenchable thirst

This can lead to severe dehydration and high fever after few hours, as if a usual would not drink water in days. So, the access to water must always be given to quench their nearly unquenchable thirst. To keep their body hydrated, people with ndi drink massive amounts of water and are mostly thirsty. For children the overheating body and the massive outtake of urine can lead to rather logistic problems. Besides that, acknowledgment in educational systems, at doctors and families do not make it easier. For example eating habits, body height, and mental health might be affected as well, although there are individual characteristics.

Media campaign and ndi network

By comparison and exchange loads of new knowledge could have been collected, but much research must be done. How is life drinking water all the time? That was never written anywhere. While the genetic and physical origin described well, growing up with has no manual. Some cope with this very good, while others suffer from this. ā€œI wanted to counteract misunderstandings a little and took myself as an example in mediaā€ Marc says.

Always thirsty

ā€œIf you cannot change the condition, you might change the surroundingā€ he says. Within his awareness-campaign he told the world that this exits and got in touch with others, who are the same and outside his own family. With a dose of humor, willpower and some trying out all this seems for him doable. While media played the drama card a little and the many obstacles in his life Marc himself is all at all fine with it.

Game-changing medication

Since some years, he is on medication. A game changer in his life: Funny as it sounds, diuretics help to retain water in his body. Although this condition is due to a genetic defect not curable, the medication reduces the amount of water intake drastically. The effect is less thirst, which means that he can sleep much longer without using the bathroom and is not as tired as he was before during the day and doing sport is now easier for him.

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (diabetes insipidus renalis) caused by an improper response of the kidney to ADH, leading to a decrease in the ability of the kidney to concentrate the urine by removing free water. It is said, that statistically only 1 in 250.000 people have this. In familiesthere is mostly more than person found with this condition. Full grown men drink up to 20 liters water a day, women a little fewer. Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (diabetes insipidus renalis) is the inherited version of diabetes insipidus and often mixed up with diabetes mellitus. A renanimg is proposed, but no good name has been found yet. Any ideas?

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Story on ā€œbody bizarreā€œ