The story of Amanda
As a child, I was always sick. Whether it was an ear infection, strep throat, and a sinus infection. When I was 16, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. After I completed chemotherapy and went into remission, I thought I would finally have an illness-free life. Unfortunately I was still getting sick all the time. In my early twenties the illnesses started to get more severe. I would wake up feeling fine, and within a few hours I would be in ICU with Pneumonia.  After this happened a few times, my family doctor called in an immunologist. After lots of tests and bloodwork, we had an answer. At the age of 24 I was diagnosed with Agammaglobulinemia. I don’t produce any antibodies at all. I was immediately started on subcutaneous immunoglobulin infusions to give my body some of the antibodies that I lack. Because only certain immunoglobulins can be replaced, I still have to be careful when it comes to viruses and bacteria, but I have only been hospitalized once since I started treatment. I am now 32 years old, and because of my infusions, I can finally live a somewhat normal life.