The reality and judgement you face when you have a rare disease /invisible illness

The story of Tammy

Living with a rare disease /condition isn’t easy, it can make life alot more complicated, especially trying to live a normal day to day basis in pain and on medication.

It can make you feel alone, isolated, weird, you may feel you don’t fit in, especially in the teenage years, but now I realise I’m not weird, okay I may not fit in but that’s okay.

I’m proud of the person I have become. 

I like to stand out in a crowd, it shows individuality, how unique I am and my character.

The illness has left me with a lot of negatives such as bad pain, swelling, weight gain etc. I’m now unable to work physically in the mental health sector, a job I’m passionate about, but I’m trying to raise awareness of my condition and invisible illnesses and the impact they can have on you’re mental health and by doing this I hope I can make a difference in someone else’s life. 

I use my social media platform to support others and raise awareness. 

I’m looking and keeping my fingers crossed that I can do a job working from home that works around my illness so if I need a sleep in between I can and something that allows me to show my full potential and if I can do that whilst helping someone else that that would be incredible.Â