The story of Kevin
Some people collect coins or stamps. I do not collect anything as normal as those things. I collect rare or super
rare medical conditions. Since 2018, I have had three rare conditions diagnosed and one super rare condition.
The first one was a very rare stroke. This one was at the bottom of my brain.
The second where condition is called MEN1. This wonderful beauty is an hereditary That is Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia. I have slow growing tumours on my pancreas and I had to have all my parathyroids removed. A bit placed into my left arm to regulate my calcium levels in my body, but it completely failed.
The third that condition that I had was my heart valve. I only had two parts instead of three in my valve which meant it was not pumping blood water around my body correctly.
This brings me to the fourth and the super rare of all the four conditions. Dead skin was eating my live skin. This super rare condition is called ‘Calciphylaxis’. I spent one whole year in hospital with excruciating pain. It killed me twice but I came back to life again.
‘My Four Horsemen’ of the Apocalypse. Each one getting worse and worse than the one before. Each one more challenging and as in the Bible each bringing their own destruction and even death to me.
However, I have overcome them. And I am going on stronger and stronger
each day. The victory is mine.