Syringiohydromyelia aka Syrinx

The story of Dawn

In late 2005 I woke up with a stiff neck. I thought I had slept wrong and it would soon go away. After months of pain I went to see a Neurologist and he ordered an MRI of my cervical spine. When the results came back, I was told I needed surgery for herniated discs and if I waited I could become paralyzed. So in November of 2006 I had a discectomy C4-7.
My pain never went away, it got worse. I tried every pain med and muscle relaxer out there and nothing worked. My Neurosurgeon refused to see me anymore and would not help me. I was on the verge of killing myself. I then decided to stop taking all the medications and just deal with the pain. In 2014 I had another MRI. I now had a cervical Syrinx about 5mm in length, c3 herniated disc and tear, arthritis, Spondylolisthesis and some other things I cannot remember. So in December of 2014 I had a Laminectomy and fusion on C3-C7. It’s a year since that surgery and the Syrinx has gotten bigger and I have Spondylolisthesis at T1.
Eleven years of never ending pain with no hope in sight of anything changing for the better.
The doctors don’t seem to know what to do with me and I am losing hope of ever living a normal life.