Survivor of a giant cell tumour in the left femur

The story of Anne-Lise

I’m Anne-Lise from Mauritius Island, November 2020, I went to India as I was diagnosed from a giant cell tumour in my left femur. It all started with unsupported pain in my knee and swollen leg in the afternoon after a long day at university. At this moment I was also doing a part time job in a call center. Never heard about this disease ” GIANT CELL TUMOUR” , did all my research as in Mauritius, there’s nobody that have been diagnosed with this disease and wow, for me it was still unbelievable. Preparing myself mentally with the help of my family, my boyfriend at this moment, all my friends and relatives. Went two times in the operation block to take out this tumour. The rehabilitation was very hard but my physiotherapists was so supportive and were always motivating me everyday even on bad days. After one year and a half , it’s still bizarre as whenever I will put a short or dress where my long scars will be showing, people look at my knee so weirdly and I still feel awful, if I’m going out for a very long time, I will put a long dress or a jeans just to hide my scars as I’m still afraid of people’s way of looking at my scars. The big day will come soon [ need to do an MRI, to see if there is no recurrence] , let’s cross fingers that everything is okay and that I can start to have my normal life. I’ve been back to the gym and back to the kitchen, baking and my body’s telling me that she feels better. I still have a little pain sometimes but I can deal with it ! Here’s my story, I feel pretty confident on telling my story of having a rare disease in this huge world. haha !