Surprise Diagnosis in Mid-Life

The story of Kim

My journey has been one of a life time of chronic infections. Not just your run of the mill infections but chronic strep, staph, Parvo virus, chronic MRSA of the sinuses, mono twice and anything you can think of I picked it up. Not realizing I had an underlying immunodeficiency. I was referred to an ear, nose and throat doctor for chronic sinus infections which led to chronic bronchitis. She said “we’re running out of antibiotics.” She immediately decided there was a need to check my immune system. When she provided me with the results I was clearly shocked. The levels of my immune system were half of normal. My immune system was not functioning as it should be to protect me from infections. As a registered nurse I was devastated. I new the seriousness of this condition. I was immediately referred to an immunologist who provided the diagnosis of CVID. He informed me I had more than likely had this most of my life due to the history of chronic infections. I have been on weekly sub-q immune globulin replacement which has changed my life! I no longer suffer from constant infections. I finally can live a relatively healthy life with proper treatment.

*Find others with Common variable immune deficiency (CVID) on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases