Safia – Thoracic outlet compression syndrome

The story of Safia

march 2017 it was when i first seen my GP for normal consultation complaining of right arm discomfort itchy fingers and change of color to my hand, not allowing me to something as simple as even combing my hair setting me back from normal daily chores.

 to my surprise the GP advised me to start some meds treating TOS  and if that didnt help i should consider going for a MRI scan. Days went by and the pain continued to intensify, taking the next step to go in for the scan was my only option left 

Upon reaching the hospital i was told that a number of tests would be conducted to find the rite diognoses, the first test was  DOPPLER scanning proces which gave the results of poor blood flow through the right arm. Upon seeing this my medical team decided to under go CT andiogram to our surprise the results were clear.

leaving my arm as is, months went by where the pain and discomfort intensified  got me back to the hospital. The medical team then decided to do another doppler study test and the results came back to my surprise the compression had increased and the blood supple had lessoned 

that was  a call for imediate surgery of the right side first rib resection and scalactomy 

i underwent the surgey and everything seemed to have went of well weeks passed and post surgery pain intensified causing me discomfort. this was the now post sugery nerve damage. the nerve damages on the side and the oain comes out after surgery has being done.

a shooting intensified pain causing you to stay awake all night fighting through pain meds and sleeping tablets. This took over  one year to recover. Definitly leaving the procces of surgery for months caused other complications 

one year 3 months later my left hand had started becoming symptomatic causing my fingers to itch, tirdness of the arm and severe pain when the arm was elevated. 

discussing with my medical team what could it possibly be i was asked to then do a doppler study test on my left arm 

the results came back as poor blood flow throughout the arm demanding surgery of the left rib resection 

the surgery went of well and recovered within a short space of just 3 months, compared to my right arm surgery   (treating TOS in the early days have benifits) 

this type of sugery is definetly one of the most gruesome surgeries a person can under go

i wish any person reading this and has these type of symptoms attend to it immedietly.

the medical team and netcare unitas in south africa are amazing in the kind if sickness 

all thanks to my vescullar surgeon Prof J VAN MARLEÂ