The story of Brenda

I was diagnosed in 1986 by Dr. John Quinlan with Polymyositis.  I went to nine doctors before I was finally given the right diagnosis.  I had a car accident in 1985 and my immune system broke down and identified my muscle as foreign and started attacking and destroying the muscles.  Pain started in my neck and moved to my neck, shoulders, arms and hands, waist, legs and last my facial muscles.  I had excruciating pain and weakness.  I took Prednisone, Imuran, and finally an IVIG of human immunoglobulin.  I go now every other month for the 4 hours IV treatment.  I was 40 when I was first given this diagnosis and I’m now 70 years old.  This has been a long and very painful experience.


*Find others with Myositis on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases.