The story of Kelly

Hi. My name is Kelly and I have phenylketonuria or PKU which is a rare disease. PKU is a genetic disorder that restricts me from eating any large amounts of protein. My liver is unable to break down protein which only allows me to eat low protein foods such as fruits and vegetables and medically enhanced low protein foods. I have to test my blood once a month to make sure that my protein levels are on track and keep track of what I eat every day. Like a diabetic, if I have not enough or too much protein my levels can become skewed. When my protein levels become unbalanced, it can cause brain issues that makes it hard to focus and concentrate at work or school and can create emotional stress like depression or anxiety. If having high protein levels becomes a regular habit, then it can lead to even more serious brain issues including seizures and brain damage. Visit my website, PKU4Me to learn more!