
Living with multiple complex chronic conditions

My name is Michael and my nickname is 1RareZebra. A zebra is someone who has rare medical condition(s) and in my case (4) of them.… Continue reading Living with multiple complex chronic conditions

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“No estaba sana como un caballo, pero si enferma como una cebra”

Hola, mi nombre es maki y tengo 18 años. Fui diagnosticada a los 4 años de edad con Ehlers Danlos vascular. Estoy agradecida de obtener… Continue reading “No estaba sana como un caballo, pero si enferma como una cebra”

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Real Rare Overcomer

me what they were and so when I went to try and explain it to my parents they didn’t understand what I was talking about… Continue reading Real Rare Overcomer

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Stones on stones

I was first diagnosed with Cystinuria when I was 2 years old and my family was told I had a 3/4 inch kidney stone that… Continue reading Stones on stones

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Angel warrior Jace Carney raising awareness for Krabbe disease

My name is Jace Carney and I was born in the middle of the covid pandemic lockdown on 28th April 2020 in Manchester, UK. From… Continue reading Angel warrior Jace Carney raising awareness for Krabbe disease

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Love big

My name is Kira and I have Tatton-Brown Rahman Syndrome. Also known as DMNT3A overgrowth syndrome. Today roughly 250 people are diagnosed world wide. Everyday… Continue reading Love big

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My journey with PRS

My name is Ammia. I am 8 years old and live in the Southern US. When I was 3 years old, my mother noticed that… Continue reading My journey with PRS

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Med12 gene mutation

Hi I’m isaac I’m 3 years old and I have a rare mutation on the med12 gene which has caused lujan fryns syndrome, I suffer… Continue reading Med12 gene mutation

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Disbelieved and Disregarded

Hi! My name is Zainab and I was diagnosed with the rare autoimmune condition generalised Myasthenia Gravis (MG) at the age of 15. When going… Continue reading Disbelieved and Disregarded

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