
My journey to Diagnosis

Cliff & Linda Whitefoot’s story. My tale is similar to so many others with this disease, I thought I’d tell you about it from the… Continue reading My journey to Diagnosis

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A little girl and a huge inspiration

When our now three-year-old daughter was diagnosed with Kleefstra Syndrome, our family began a journey into the unknown. It was like Harry Potter crossing track… Continue reading A little girl and a huge inspiration

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My reis met Sistiese Fibrose

Gediagnoseer op die ouderdom van 3maande. In die tydperk van my diagnose was ek in en uit die hospitaal vir omtrent 3 maande. My lewe… Continue reading My reis met Sistiese Fibrose

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My name is Urska Firer and I come from Slovenia. I will turn 40 in June. I worked as event maneger in tourism. I am… Continue reading ON MY WAY WITH DP

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Against the odds

I was diagnosed with a rare metabolic disease called Fabry disease only a few months after birth. Initially my prognosis was extremely poor and doctors… Continue reading Against the odds

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Wet Brett Swim Challenge to Honor My Cousin Sienna

Hi, My name is Brett Matlosz. I am a freshman at Newark Academy. I am a competitive swimmer for both Newark Academy and Metro Lifetime… Continue reading Wet Brett Swim Challenge to Honor My Cousin Sienna

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Living without the knowledge of my Agenesia of the Corpus Callosum

I was born in 1976, when was no ultrasound or MRI, I struggled with everithing, I was bullied unfortunately by my mother side of the… Continue reading Living without the knowledge of my Agenesia of the Corpus Callosum

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SMA Fighter – I choose to be the best version of myself

It started when I was 18 months old, the first symptoms of Spinal muscular atrophy appeared: I could stand for a while but be unable… Continue reading SMA Fighter – I choose to be the best version of myself

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Kt / cloves

Hi! I’m Joelle! I live in Ohio and I’m 33 years old. I have KTW syndrome and the genetic pick 3 for cloves. I’ve had… Continue reading Kt / cloves

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