
Living with CMT

My full story can be found below in the book that I chose to write a year ago called Living with CMT. I was diagnosed… Continue reading Living with CMT

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Blastomycosis warrior

Hi there, I am a survivor of a fungal infection called Blastomycosis. In long story short version, you get this disease by breathing in a… Continue reading Blastomycosis warrior

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Jolee’s Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome Store

Jolee was diagnosed with a rare syndrome called Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome disorder only 1 in 11000 children get it. It is an overgrowth of organs… Continue reading Jolee’s Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome Store

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Das Leben kann schnell vorbei sein

Ihr kennt das bestimmt, dass man sich zum Geburtstag alles Gute wünscht und viel Gesundheit. Oft beachtet man dieses „viel Gesundheit” gar nicht, wie ich… Continue reading Das Leben kann schnell vorbei sein

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Fighting for my eyes, fighting to be seen

I had worked with computers my entire adult life, long hours in front of the computer take their toll on your body and your eyes… Continue reading Fighting for my eyes, fighting to be seen

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Mi hija Aitana de 5 años, MI GUERRERA

Hola a todos, soy Susana, mamá de Aitana de 5 años. Ella nació con malformación ano rectal con fístula vaginal, con atresia esofagica grado 3,… Continue reading Mi hija Aitana de 5 años, MI GUERRERA

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Sydney Strong

Our daughter, Sydney, was diagnosed with Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood. She is currently the youngest diagnosed in the world. Alternating Hemiplegia of Childhood (AHC) affects… Continue reading Sydney Strong

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Madison’s Mission To Cure BPAN

Our daughter, Madison Ruby, was diagnosed with BPAN (Beta-propeller Protein-Associated Neurodegeneration, a subtype of NBIA Disorder (Neurodegeneration with Brain Iron Accumulation), on September 16, 2015… Continue reading Madison’s Mission To Cure BPAN

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Just being a warrior

Hello, I am a 52yrs old woman diagnosed with Behcet’s Disease, Sjögren’s Syndrome and Selective IgA Deficiency Behcet’s is the most uncommon in my case… Continue reading Just being a warrior

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