
My Odyssey With a Very Rare Disease

I have a rare disease that makes me very sensitive to cold, and not just the extremities like hands, feet, nose, ears. My body reacts… Continue reading My Odyssey With a Very Rare Disease

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PTEN researcher and trustee for patient charity

I am a researcher with a long-term interest in the PTEN gene. I did my PhD studying the biology of PTEN from 2008-2012 and since… Continue reading PTEN researcher and trustee for patient charity

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Daruj kúsok zdravia

Narodil som sa pred 5 rokmi a odvtedy robím radosť mojim rodičom a môjmu bratovi Matúškovi. Už keď som bol v maminkinom brušku, to so… Continue reading Daruj kúsok zdravia

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Strong and Brave

Owen was diagnosed at age three after spending the first three years of his life in and out of doctors offices and hospitals. He finally… Continue reading Strong and Brave

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Teddy’s DYRK1A syndrome story

When i was 26 weeks pregnant I had an emergency scan due to reduced movements. The scan showed that my son was growing smaller then… Continue reading Teddy’s DYRK1A syndrome story

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Julia mit Mitochondriopathie MTATP6 Mutation

I’m Julia from Germany, Baden-Württemberg, Ulm, 34years. I have mitochondrial disease with MTATP6 mutation with diabetes,hypothyroidism, adrenal insufficiency, immunodeficiency, anemia, asthma, lactate acidosis, cataracts, double… Continue reading Julia mit Mitochondriopathie MTATP6 Mutation

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Deparando-me com raridades

Tenho filhos com MUCOPOLISSACARIDOSES TIPO VI, e há pouco tempo fui diagnosticada com Leiomiossarcoma de parede lisa do útero, neste momento com metástase nos pulmões.… Continue reading Deparando-me com raridades

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My Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Story

CYNTHIA’S_ HEALTH JOURNEY In 2018 I was diagnosed with CIRS: Chronic inflammatory response syndrome, Adrenal Insufficiency, and was also believed to be Mast Cell Disease.… Continue reading My Mast Cell Activation Syndrome Story

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Ayudame a seguir Sonriendo

Hola. Soy Bersy. Una joven que llevaba una vida independiente y trabajadora como tu. Me levantaba a diario para obtener mi sustento y llevar una… Continue reading Ayudame a seguir Sonriendo

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