
Lilahs story

When Delilah was born we were told that she broke her collar bone during birth, she was taken away for her physical checkup and we… Continue reading Lilahs story

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Our special little Pea

Our little boy was originally diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay as he wasn’t reaching his milestones. In 2019 he was then diagnosed with Homocystinuria which… Continue reading Our special little Pea

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My 5 year old daughter will have the hidden disease Cholesteatoma for life

My daughter is five years old and was diagnosed with a congenital cholesteatoma and had it removed last March. She is coming up one year… Continue reading My 5 year old daughter will have the hidden disease Cholesteatoma for life

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One in a million

My name is Julian and I am 15 years old. I live in South Australia and I have a rare autoimmune/auto inflammatory disease called, TRAPS… Continue reading One in a million

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Red and White Twins

Emilie and Mathilde were born at 31 weeks with Twin Anemia Polycythemia Sequence (TAPS), which affects just 3-5% of twins sharing a placenta. TAPS is… Continue reading Red and White Twins

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Aurora was born with hip dysplasia. When she was 10 months old she had corrective surgery and at that time they noticed something on the… Continue reading Aurora

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Paislee’s journey with SCA29

Our daughter, Paislee, was born with an extremely rare neurological disorder called Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 29 all because her genetic coding misread one letter. We… Continue reading Paislee’s journey with SCA29

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La importancia de conocer los antecedentes hereditarios.

Conocí a mi padre biológico a los treinta años, supe que yo podía ser portadora de hemofilia. Al paso de los años mi chico deportista… Continue reading La importancia de conocer los antecedentes hereditarios.

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Charlie May have CS…. But she is a FIGHTER!

From birth Charlotte beat to her own drum. We knew that God made her special. Fast forward to September 2022, we found out that Charlie… Continue reading Charlie May have CS…. But she is a FIGHTER!

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