
Oakley’s Journey

Oakley was diagnosed with Nicolaides-Baraitser Syndrome in October 2019. When I was pregnant with Oakley, we knew we wanted to choose a good, strong name… Continue reading Oakley’s Journey

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A little insight to my daily life!

My name is Amber and I live in Queensland. I was born with Netherton Syndrome which is a form of Ichthyosis. Ichthyosis is an extremely… Continue reading A little insight to my daily life!

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Vivir en un mundo de 5 dedos

Hola soy Ana Victoria una niña de 8 años que a vivido en un mundo de personas con 5 dedos en cada mano, siempre busco… Continue reading Vivir en un mundo de 5 dedos

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If you can help your child you can help others

When my son was diagnosed as thalassaemia patient, doctors told me that he will not live for more than 10 years, and there was no… Continue reading If you can help your child you can help others

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Cri du chat

Alessia is 9 months old and wan born in Canada she was diagnosed at one month old with cri du chat syndrome, which is a… Continue reading Cri du chat

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Glanzmann Thrombasthenia

Raymundo and Damián are 8 and 7 years old, both of them suffer a bleeding disorder called glanzmann’s thrombasthenia, its a 1 and a million… Continue reading Glanzmann Thrombasthenia

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una cura, una ilusión

Natalia cuando era una bebé de 8 meses tuvo su primera convulsión, fue una convulsión tan larga que terminó en un paro cardio-respiratorio los médicos… Continue reading una cura, una ilusión

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Hi, my name is Alicia, an only child, who was born three weeks early in November, 1959. At this time they had no Newborn Testing… Continue reading MY PKU MIRACLE

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A not-so-rare identity crisis.

Applications, whether it is for a job or a membership, are full of standard questions to help the reader get an idea of who we… Continue reading A not-so-rare identity crisis.

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