
Fish odor syndrome-tmau

I suffer a rare disease called tmau fish odor syndrome. Trimethylaminuria is an uncommon genetic disorder that causes a strong body odour usually described as… Continue reading Fish odor syndrome-tmau

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Adaptandose a una enfermedad y a la indiferencia.

Hace siete años me diagnosticaron Miastenia Gravis Ocular, poco a poco voy aceptando la enfermedad, con el tiempo me he ido adaptando a ella junto… Continue reading Adaptandose a una enfermedad y a la indiferencia.

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Under 30 with 5 chronic illnesses

I am 28 years old and I have five different chronic illnesses, of which one is still pending diagnosis. Two of my illnesses are rare.… Continue reading Under 30 with 5 chronic illnesses

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Sam vs VWM: Living with a rare, terminal disease

Before February 2013, Sam was a normal, healthy kid. He was a little clumsy, but nothing that we were concerned about. One day in February,… Continue reading Sam vs VWM: Living with a rare, terminal disease

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For the Love of Lucia

Russell and Lisa Ferlita gave birth to their first child, Vincent in February , 2011. At birth it was evident that he had something wrong… Continue reading For the Love of Lucia

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Living with Tuberous Sclerosis.

My wonderful daughter, a talented artist, photographer, was born with TS. Her life as a child was not easy, she was bullied at school, has… Continue reading Living with Tuberous Sclerosis.

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My 6 year old daughter Josephine has Giant Axonal Neuropathy , the only case in australia and there are only 43 to 44 cases around… Continue reading G.A.N.s

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My beautiful children

My beautiful son was born with multiple hereditary extososes. His sister was his guiding light and supporter through his young life of surgery. Her crushing… Continue reading My beautiful children

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Misdiagnosed as hypochondriac!

Hi there, my name is Dee and I live in Somerset, UK. For as far back as I can remember I have been ill in… Continue reading Misdiagnosed as hypochondriac!

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