
Hemophilia and Kadyn

What Hemophilia is : a group of hereditary genetic disorders that impair the body’s ability to control blood clotting, which is used to stop bleeding… Continue reading Hemophilia and Kadyn

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maladie de biermer

je suis ateinte de la maladie de biermer deficit congenital facteur intrinseque ,carence en b12 ,j’ai des problemes neurologique aux mains ,y a t’il une… Continue reading maladie de biermer

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Nasty Tumor

Started with a lump the size of a golf ball. With good doctors it was diagnosed as Desmoid right away so treatment was started within… Continue reading Nasty Tumor

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You are testing me right?

In February 2012 I went in for a chest x-ray for a cold and I was asked if I had been in any accident or… Continue reading You are testing me right?

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My Desmoid Story

I felt my first tumor towards the end of my pregnancy in the later part of 2006. My husband and I had fertility issues and… Continue reading My Desmoid Story

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My Desmoid experience

In early 2011 I noticed a bulge at the base of my neck where the shoulder and neck meet. I went to my regular doctor… Continue reading My Desmoid experience

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Life Change

I had a desmoid tumor in my lower left arm. We found it 25 years ago. I had 4 surgeries and radiation and chemo. It… Continue reading Life Change

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Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

Hi! I’m 29 years old and I suffer from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome I get lots of dislocations during the day (sometimes up to 80). Ehlers… Continue reading Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

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Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

Hi! I’m 29 years old and I suffer from Ehlers Danlos Syndrome I get lots of dislocations during the day (sometimes up to 80). Ehlers… Continue reading Ehlers Danlos Syndrome

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