
Cowdens Syndrome

I am a 47 year old man from the USA in the state of KY I have something called Cowdens syndrome. It is a condition… Continue reading Cowdens Syndrome

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Berkeley California United States

Recently my 11 year old son has been diagnosed with dystonia our life has changed overnight I am new to this disorder and I’m trying… Continue reading Berkeley California United States

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Hallo, wir sind Michael & Nicole. Wir sind beide 38 Jahre alt. Über 12 Jahre miteinander verheiratet, Eltern einer Tochter, Mein Mann Michael ist krankheitsbedingt… Continue reading Bundesliga-krank

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Rare with no name, but it falls under a Movement Disorder

~Hi, my name is Wanda McCune, & my son Dylan Sharp, who was diagnosed in November of 2015 with a Rare Neurological Movement Disorder at… Continue reading Rare with no name, but it falls under a Movement Disorder

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My blog about living with a rare disease

My name is Kevin Carpenter and I’ve been living with Von Hippel-Lindau Disease my entire life. This time last year I was recovering from brain… Continue reading My blog about living with a rare disease

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Sharing my Voice!

I am living with Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia 2a. It’s a rare genetic disorder that I was born with. It causes Medullary Thyroid Cancer, which has… Continue reading Sharing my Voice!

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Rare Pregnancy Cancer, Choriocarcinoma

In 2014, I was diagnosed with gestational trophoblastic neoplasia disease aka molar pregnancy and it’s placental cancer choriocarcinoma. My daughter is also a survivor as… Continue reading Rare Pregnancy Cancer, Choriocarcinoma

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Dubin-Johnson Syndrome

When my son was born in 1994, he had some mild jaundice and they said it was nothing to worry about and possible was due… Continue reading Dubin-Johnson Syndrome

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Sheehans syndrome causing hypopituitarism and secondary addisons disease

So I had decided to have another baby. My first had been born premature with inter uterine growth restriction. I’d also suffered a thrombotic storm… Continue reading Sheehans syndrome causing hypopituitarism and secondary addisons disease

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