
Un peu moins d’air dans les poumons un peu plus d’amour dans le coeur

J’ai 37 ans et j’ai appris ma maladie il y a 6ans.Depuis j’ai subi de nombreuses opérations et la prochaine (j’espère pas trop vite) sera… Continue reading Un peu moins d’air dans les poumons un peu plus d’amour dans le coeur

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Hope is always there

When we first received our diagnosis, when our daughter was 4 weeks old, we were beyond heartbroken. The life we had imagined was turned up-side-down.… Continue reading Hope is always there

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A COFFEE CONVERSATION WITH MY RARE AILMENT A Rare Ailment (RA) is identified, that affects fewer people across a broad range of possible disorders. Can… Continue reading A COFFEE CONVERSATION WITH MY RARE AILMENT

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Lexis Mito fight

Alexia, or as we call her Lexi, suffers from combined oxidative phosphorylation disorder, a rare form of mitochondrial disease. Her super hero name is Lexinator… Continue reading Lexis Mito fight

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Kaftrio miracle

I’m Rosi and I’m a 22-year- old CF warrior from Bulgaria. In 2018 I was put on the waiting list for a lung transplant. Till… Continue reading Kaftrio miracle

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My Journey Of My Diagnosis and Struggles

Hello my name is saida I am 24 years old I am from Oakland California  My birth date is September 22nd 1996  I am a… Continue reading My Journey Of My Diagnosis and Struggles

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Sono Federico e ho 37 anni.  Nel 2019 ho scoperto di essere affetto da Neuroacantocitosi o Corea-Acantocitosi: una rara malattia genetica e neurodegenerativa che colpisce… Continue reading Neuroacantocitosi

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28 years living with Poland Syndrome

Hola! Nací con Sindrome de Poland pero no recibí un diagnóstico hasta que tenía aproximadamente 6 años. En la clínica a mis padres no les… Continue reading 28 years living with Poland Syndrome

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Living with Cowdens

Growing up I have always had lumps and bumps. Odd things doctors couldnt explain. When I was ten, I had a massive vascular overgrowth removed… Continue reading Living with Cowdens

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