OI type 1, mother and baby

The story of Sarah

I was born with OI type 1. Unfortunately, no one knew what I had till I was around 8. In total I’ve broken my femurs 7 times. It was very hard for my parents and myself because of the lack of knowledge. When we found Shriners hospital it was like the sun was finally shining. They helped me sooooo much!!! Recently, I became pregnant and it was a real emotional/mental challenge for me because I knew what I went through as a child and I didn’t want my baby to go through the same pain as I did. I finally came to the conclusion my baby will have soooo much more resources that I didn’t when I was young and because I have the condition I knew I would be able to guide her and give her the best life. During the pregnancy I discovered she had OI and her long bones were bowed. Time came and I had a vaginal delivery. She was taken to NICU, due to respiratory issues but she recovered quickly. When I was able to take her home she was good but a week later she broken her first bones, a humorous and a femur. She was taken to a children’s hospital and was treated. During the time she was in the hospital it was stressful and I was a down right wreck. I was going in and out of postpartum but I always snapped out of because I knew she needed me just like I needed my mom. She was sent home and a week after she broken her other humorous and femur. Tending to a newborn with all limbs broken was a challenge but with my family’s help and support she healed. She Is now being treated at Shriners and getting IV treatments that have helped her tremendously. So far so good and I hope since she is getting the treatment early we can prevent some fractures. I love my daughter and I’m so proud to be a individual with OI and a mother to an OI daughter. Â