Odyssey of MRKH type 2

The story of Zografia

My 8-year-old daughter, Georgia was born with a left solitary kidney. At an annual medical examination in 2019, our doctors told us that she has a left solitary kidney ectopic, that she has no right kidney, no uterus, no vagina and the ovaries are ectopic. has MRKH type 2. Doctors in our country have only encountered MRKH type 1, they do not know MRKH type 2 only in the literature. And then began an odyssey of medical examinations …
a series of medical examinations for the kidney, for hormones, for the skeleton, as well as molecular karyotype, which showed 46XX, female genes. The cost of our molecular karyotype cost about € 800.
They gave us a series of genetic tests, but unfortunately the medical system of our country does not prescribe the genetic tests, their cost is very high. My husband and I do not have the financial means to do all these genetic tests on the child. If the gene that is responsible for the syndrome is found, we will help not only my child but also other children with MRKH type 2. The kidney was not working well, and the fact that our daughter is upright and still healthy … is miracle of the Archangel Michael!