Not just Myasthenia gravis

The story of Peter

Myasthnia gravis, Lupus , anticoagulant, Lyme disease

In 2013 just before my 60th birthday I was bitten by an infected tick an got Lyme disease, that is according to medical professionals are rare disease in itself, it went undiagnosed for years, even now it has not been officially diagnosed in the UK. Then in 2019 , I acquired another rare condition called lupus anticoalgulant, this is a bit of a misnomer on two counts, it is not always associated with lupus  and it causes the blood to coagulate or become sticky easily; I have rare blood clots in the abdomen and one in the brain as a result. It is an autoimmune disorder/disease and becuase once you have one autimmune disorder/diesease it can make you more suceptible to acquire others. Later in 2019 , I acquired myasthenia gravis, yet another rare autoimmune disease/disorder that causes severe muscle weakness. I am not sure if I am lucky or unlucky that the weakness up till now has only affevted my eyeys and bulbar muscles and not my limbs. All of these rare conditions are incurable and can vary in degrees of severity, perhaps the most troubling is myasthenia gravis because it can cause respiratory crisis and lead to death, soem of the medictions for this disease can cause horrific side effects and cause problems if you have other health conditions also.