My two months aged son has been suspected for Crigler Najjar Syndrome.

The story of Muhammad Khurram Shehzad

It is suspected that my two month old son has Crigler Najjar Syndrome. We knew this by the high level of jaundice 10 days after his birth. After a month, the doctors admitted him to the hospital and after the blood test his total Bilirubin was 31.89 mg/dl. He remained in the hospital for 10 days and now he is at home under phototherapy for the period of 18 hours per day along with phenobarbital syrup. According to the doctor an important enzyme is not producing from his liver and the definitive cure is liver transplant for this disease. Liver biopsies are not available in Pakistan, so the doctors are not 100% sure about this disease whether its CNS Type 1 or 2.