My story of ea2 (episodic ataxia type 2)

The story of Vishva

Hello, my name is Vishva. I have rare disease called episodic ataxia type 2. this disease 1 in 100000 people only. Starting with ea2 (episodic ataxia type 2) challenging for me. starting duration is some seconds to 4-5 minitue. but later duration is 4 hour to 16 hour. sometimes full day. I have this disease since 7-8 years old. Episodic ataxia type 2 (EA 2) is a rare neurological disorder of autosomal dominant inheritance resulting from dysfunction of a voltage-gated calcium channel. It manifests with recurrent disabling attacks of imbalance, vertigo, and ataxia, and can be provoked by physical exertion or emotional stress also with alcohol, caffeine, fever and some medication. EA 2 is caused most often by the loss of function mutations of the calcium channel gene CACNA1A. Changes to the CACNA1A gene cause EA2, the most common type of episodic ataxia. Nystagmus is a common symptom of EA2, which often begins in childhood or early adolescence. Acetazolamide is one of the most common drugs in the treatment of EA1 and EA2, though it’s more effective in treating EA2. this disease symptoms is Vertigo, dysarthria, diplopia, weakness, nystagmus, headache, dystonia, cognitive impairment sometimes hemiplegia and rare with epilepsy. I have school drop-out because of my ea2. and I have completed my diploma. I never give up. and I have to stay strong with ea2. I all work done myself. it’s very challenging for me .