My Multiple Auto Immune Fight

The story of Linda

Several years ago I had elevated liver enzymes. My internist wanted me to have a biopsy. Since I as going to have some hernia surgery, I opted to have the biopsy done at the same time. It came back with primary biliary cholangitis-stage 2. I saw a highly regarded hepatologist who suggested that I see a rheumoyologist for further testing, which I did. I already had hypothyroid. After further testing we added Reaynauds, Sjogrens, Gastroparesis ( probably from the Sjogrens) , fibromyalgia and osteoporosis. Most of the time, I can control my diseases with meds. Other days I am very challenged physically. I am blessed that I have been retired, so I can deal with my day to day issues. I am also blessed to have Medicare and back up insurance that I may for. But costs of medications and insurance are rising. The future for so many of us is uncertain. Focusing on the good aspects of my life, keeps the blues away. Life can be challenging, but there is so much to be grateful for, even in the worst of days