My life living with Soto syndrome

The story of Ruhan

Hi everyone my name is Ruhan and i was born wish Soto syndrome …

I would like to tell a short story of my life living with Soto syndrome.
When I was 5 years old I was diagnosed with Soto syndrome … Growing up as a Soto child was not easy,  actually it was very  hard because for example lets say at school I was bullied , made fun of “Why are you so slow ” and “he is always last” that kind of things hurts and breaks you especially  if you are a child, so I was never a popular child in school …. Through my school career there was teachers ,doctors that  told my parents “He needs special care and must go to a special school and he will never be able do things like drive a car…”and want do I say to that with pride.. I finished high school back in 2011 in a normal high school  and I got my driver’s license and  after my school career today  i am cattle farmer .I would like to thank my parents that through my child life  supported my encouraged me to do all the things  they said I could not do thank you so much to my mom and dad …
In the year 2018  i entered Rare disease South Africa Rare diamond awards and I was nominated in the category Rare diamond warrior award and I was one of the finalist at the Rare diamond awards .. At the event I felt like  I was representing every single person with Soto syndrome  and I was my honour to be there even if I didn’t won….  One last thing I want to encourage everyone to follow there dreams ,never give up and know  that you are amazing ,special wonderful just the way you are !!!