The story of Carrigan

My name is Carrigan and ever since I was little I’ve had a lot of trouble with chronic stomach pains after eating. I’m now 15 and have just recently been diagnosed with CSID. It took an extremely long time for doctors to even mention that all my pain could be caused by the food I eat. When I was about 18 months old I was hospitalized for not being able to keep any food down and being extremely dehydrated. The doctors had no idea what was wrong and never mentioned CSID. This year I started seeing a new doctor that prescribed so many tests that I was getting frustrated because we had no answers until he told me to do a Sucrose Breath Test. I was very skeptical because I’ve had so many test and 0 answers. When my results came in that I had CSID I was shocked. I hadn’t even heard of it and here I am being diagnosed with it at 15. The process of getting the diagnosis was long and frustrating but in the end I’m glad that I finally know what is causing me such chronic pain. The journey isn’t over yet and I still have to completely change my diet and cut out sugar but even with a bumpy road ahead it will be better in the end!