The story of Megan

About 2 years ago I started to feel like there were times I couldn’t catch my breath. I am asthmatic so I thought it was an asthma attack. When I couldn’t fix it on my own I’d go to the ER who would constantly say “your O2 stats are PHENOMENAL. It’s just uncontrolled asthma.” “Chronic Bronchitis”. It was back and for then about a half a year ago… it got to the point where walking to the bathroom was having me struggling to breathe or even just getting out of bed. But again was told I’m “Too old for this and you need to get your asthma under control” the worst was when I was told I was a drug chaser. 

I said enough I need an answer. And in comes my life saving grace. My PCP was on vacation but another doctor was seeing his patients. Dr. Schurr. LISTENED to me and said “I think it’s this but it is rare, so let me research it, I’ll be back.” Within 10 minutes he was back with a referral in hand for an ENT. And within the next 2 weeks I was diagnosed and the week after that an emergent procedure to widen my diseased area… I didn’t have a voice for a week. And my throat hurt but boy… I could BREATHE. I walked and wasn’t feeling like I ran a marathon. I was me again. It was amazing. I was human again and Vader and Wheezy were gone. The wheezy lanyard is to remind me how far I’ve come and how grateful I am. But that won’t be my only procedure. And I really feel like I’m closing up again. But such in the life of this disease.Â