The story of Linda

My name is Linda and I’m a mother of three great daughters. Two of them are chronical ill.

My oldest child has adonomyosis, POTS, CFS, Bow Hunter Syndrome, Reflex and (maybe) (h)EDS. It was and is a hard way to get any diagnosis, but when we got the first, it was a really big change in our lives. Becaue we knew, that she was/is physically ill, but no one wouldn’t believe us…

My middle child has asthma, but we are not sure, if she also has some kind of EDS too.

My youngest child was born 11 weeks earlier with IUGR. When she was 6 months old, she got infantile spasm called West Sydrome, but it was diagnosed 4 months later… she also has a vermishyplasia, strabism, clynodacytly, autism and some more. She is smaller than other children in the same age. Now she gets 7 years old, but she is like a little child of max. two years. She is nearly like a child with angelman syndrome, but we have no diagnosis for all these syndroms. She also is very flexible, so she could habe (h)EDS. But we Arena seeing forward to having some tests.