Mollie’s ARPKD Journey💜

The story of Caitlin

This is Mollie đź’ś She was born with ARPKD (Autosomal recessive
polycystic kidney disease) This was not discovered until mollie was 3 months old. Mollie is so very lucky as ARPKD affects the kidneys and liver, the immediate risk to about a third of babies born with the disease is lung under-development. This can make it difficult for your baby to breathe and mean they need emergency breathing support from a machine (ventilation). ARPKD causes enlarged kidneys (with or without cysts), liver enlargement and high blood pressure. ARPKD causes cysts – sacs filled with fluid – to develop in the small tubes of the kidneys. Overtime, ARPKD causes enlarged kidneys with fluid filled cysts damage to the kidneys, stopping them working properly, and eventually leading to kidney failure, often during childhood or young adulthood. This then means a kidney transplant is needed.It can also cause complications in the liver and bile duct and again can mean a liver transplant will possibly be required. Mollie has put up the biggest fight and still continues to thrive and fight each and every day and embrace her swollen tummy with her enlarged kidneys🙏

Mollie’s ARPKD Journey 💜