Love, Life & disABILITY

The story of Kay

I was diagnosised with Neurofibromatosis 1, when I was 11 weeks old. When I was nine I got scoliosis and had corrective surgery when I was 14 years of age. Majority of my NF are on my spinal cord and throughout my body. When I was nine I wrote a website about living with the conditions 
as an adult I am undergoing PGD as I’m wanting to have a family snd I am very excited as a single parent. I am currently blogging all about this journey ‘ love, life & disability ‘ it’s so important we feel loved. Wanted. And don’t give up. I am a published author where I talk about my disabilities too  

get in touch to find out more snd remember we are all doing great thing and will be awesome at what we do. Raising awareness is key to understanding our genetic rare conditions. 


*Find others with Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases