The story of Mason Winchell

My name is Mason and when I was 14 I was diagnosed with Primary Hyperoxaluria type 1. After weeks of testing due to what was initially diagnosed as a concussion, it was discoved that I had multiple kidney failure that had advanced to near heart failure. After about 2 months of dialysis, I was diagnosed with PH1. PH1 is a genetic defect that affects the production of a particular enzyme in the liver. This enzyme breaks down oxalate in the bloodstream, and if the oxalate isn’t metabolized then it deposits into all soft and hard tissues in the body, which included my kidneys.

Eventually I was able to recieve a life changing transplant of both a liver and kidney. The liver to produce the enzyme correctly as not to continue tissue damage in the future, and the kidney to restore the lost function in my own. The transplant brought about challenges of it’s own, especially as a sophomore in high school.

Now, I’m set to graduate from university in June of 2022, and while this is a lifelong disease, I have been given the opportunity to return to a mostly normal life.