The story of Andreina

Hi there! 

I’m Andre! This is my story. Everything started with a lost of vision from one of my eyes, following by numbness in my hand, then my leg and foot. Until half of my body was numb. I was seeing doctors from the very beginning, but none could find answers for my losing vision and optic neuritis. I would hear things like ” There’s a possibility that you have Multiple Sclerosis”, which at first it really frightened me! After a couple months, my symptoms instead of disappearing they were amplifying.  I was feeling awful, my vision have gotten worse at this point and walking started to be a little bit laborious for me. I was taken to the hospital and I spend around 10 days there. After a uncountable number of examinations I was finally diagnosed with NMO. That day can definitely be considered to be the worse day of my life as well as a great day. I say the worse day of my life because nobody is ready for a diagnosis. But it was also a great day because at least there was a diagnosis, and I can be given the right treatment and care. 

As many Rare diseases, NMO currently does not have a cure. My life after my diagnosis have changed much. The disease can bring you a lot of unpleasant physical symptoms and pain. There is also a tremendous mental impact. But this doesn’t mean one is unable to enjoy a meaningful life! I am currently studying Health Sciences in Canada, and I hope one day I can be part of the amazing health care community that provide the care for each individual living not only with a rare disease but a disease in general. We all deserve access to a secure diagnosis and treatment! And if right now you are or someone you love is receiving a diagnosis, keep in mind that it is okay to feel scared. It is okay to feel confused and hopeless. Just remember that there are million of people living with a medical condition just like You and like Me. Better days will come! The sun always comes out after a storm! We are all together in this! 


*Find others with NMO on RareConnect, the online platform for people affected by rare diseases