Living with gastroparesis

The story of Janemarie

I was diagnosed with gastroparesis in 2006.  November of 2016 I started throwing up and did for 3 months. Lost 50lbs in that time period. Had to have emergency surgery for a perferated ulcer and an obstruction in my small intestine. They put in a feeding tube. I was lucky I only had the tube in for 7 months. I am lucky it was only in that long.  However my pancreas was damaged and went through the possibility I had pancreatic cancer. I am now diabetic because of it. It was a very scary time for me. I have developed other auto-immune diseases and battle my gastroparesis everyday. But I have been tube free for 6 months. I almost died the thing I would tell everyone is to be happy with the day you have even if it is a bad day. Life is to short and memories are made even on bad days.